2024 Newsletters
This section indicates the newsletters and updates for the community for the 2024 year
Colony Villas News Letter
ACH Form (Chase payments)
Dear Homeowners, Please be advised that the insurance renewals for the condos is due soon, we will need all participation at the board meeting to discuss next steps and coverages. Please be sure to complete your proxy forms.
Dear Homeowners,
This message is to inform you that we have spoken with multiple engineering companies and reserve study specialists in regard to the SIRS and Milestone Inspections. According to the county tax appraisal website, Colony Villas does not have any buildings which are considered 3 stories. The building located on S. Atlantic, Units 1-9 are considered 2 story buildings due to the structure within the hillside. For this reason, we are not obligated to abide by the new 2025 condo law.
Thank you,
Colony Villas BOD
Dear Homeowners,
We will be completing pressure washing of the mansard areas. Please be advised that we have met with vendors to discuss the painting and waterproofing of the buildings, at this time we have been advised that the paint remains in good condition. The vendors did however recommend that there are a few owners who need to re-caulk their window areas to prevent water intrusion in the future. Additionally we completed our fire inspections and will be getting a new set of fire boxes soon. All fire extinguishers that needed to be replaced have been changed.
City DBS Milestone Inspection Notice
2022 - 2023
This section is dedicated to the 2022 - 2023 newsletters for the association